The InvoiceSherpa Blog

How to Make Invoice for Landscaping

Using a tried and true landscaping invoice template can save you stress and eliminate the likelihood of miscommunication with clients. 

It also helps streamline your invoicing process as you don’t need to manually create the invoice from scratch while boosting the professionalism of your business. That’s why we’re going to show you how to make invoice for landscaping services below.

We’ll cover everything you need to include in your landscape invoice along with tips on customizing it to match your company’s unique tone. You’ll also discover how you can streamline the process to start capturing payments faster, reduce human oversight, and more with an automated invoice system.

InvoiceSherpa is the best landscape billing software for all types of businesses, whether you offer routine lawn care maintenance or comprehensive design and install services. 

Make life easier for yourself with our AR automation software so you can spend more time focusing on clients and growing your business, and less time worrying about billing!

How to Make Invoice for Landscaping: Best Practices and Landscape Invoice Template You Can Use

Let’s not waste any time getting into how to make invoice for landscaping - here’s what needs to be included along with a simple landscaping invoice template you can customize to fit your needs.

What Needs to Be Included?

Whether it’s a lawyer invoice template or software company invoice template, there are quite a few key components you need to include on your invoices:

  • Company Name and Logo: Your company’s name and logo should be prominently displayed at the top of the invoice to reinforce your brand and ensure the invoice is easily recognizable.
  • Contact Information: Include your business address, phone number, and email address. This way, clients can contact you easily with any questions or concerns.
  • Client’s Name and Address: Personalize your invoice by addressing it to the specific client with their address to ensure it reaches the correct person.
  • Invoice Number: Assign a unique invoice number for tracking purposes. This helps both you and the client keep records organized. Quality billing automation software will do this for you.
  • Invoice Date: The date the invoice is issued.
  • Due Date: Specify the payment deadline to encourage timely payment.
  • Description of Services Provided: Clearly list each service performed. Use detailed descriptions to avoid any confusion.
  • Quantity and Rate: Specify the quantity of each service and the rate charged. This can include hours worked, materials used, or any other quantifiable services.
  • Total Amount: Calculate the total amount due, including any applicable taxes or discounts.
  • Accepted Payment Methods: Inform clients how they can pay (e.g., credit card, bank transfer, check).
  • Payment Terms and Conditions: Outline terms such as net 30, due upon receipt, etc.
  • Late Payment Fees: Include any penalties for late payments to incentivize timely payment. Learn about the maximum late fees by state in our blog, along with tips on wording the late fee notice on invoice to ensure timely payment.

Free Landscaping Invoice Template Example

If you want to make life easier on yourself, don’t bother learning how to make landscape invoices - use this intuitive free landscaping invoice template below!

[Your Company Name] Invoice #: [Invoice Number]
Date: [Invoice Date]
Due Date: [Due Date]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
Bill To:
[Client’s Name]
[Client’s Address]
Description of Services Quantity Rate Total
Lawn Mowing 2 hours $50 $100
Weed Removal 1 hour $40 $40
Mulching 3 hours $60 $180
Subtotal: $320
Tax (if applicable): $[Tax Amount]
Total Amount Due: $[Total Amount Due]

Payment Terms:
Please make payment by [Due Date]. We accept [Payment Methods]. Late payments will incur a fee of [Late Fee Amount].

Thank you for your business!

Customizing for Professionalism

While you can certainly take our landscaping invoice template and just fill in your specific details, it’s worth infusing it with your company’s unique tone for professionalism and branding.

This goes beyond simply adding your company logo, but entails using your brand’s color scheme to ensure recognition for the client. 

You can even tailor the invoices to include your company’s slogan. We kept the template fairly boilerplate, but maybe your business likes to have a bit more fun - you can put some enthusiasm into the thank you, for example.

It’s also important to customize the payment terms to meet your company’s specific policies along with the type of client you’re working with. Some clients may prefer net 30 terms, while others might require a shorter or longer payment period. 

Since you know how to make invoice for landscaping and you have our landscape invoice template, it’s just a matter of filling in the details and making the invoice your own.

More Advice on Streamlining Your Landscaping Invoice Processes

Learning how to make invoice for landscaping is just one aspect of invoicing. There’s a lot more that goes into how to charge for landscaping services effectively, ensuring you’re capturing payments in a timely manner and prioritizing client relations along the way. 

So, here are some more tips on how to bill lawn care customers:

We know what you’re thinking…I don’t have time for all that! I can’t afford AR management services, either. 

The good news is that the best accounts receivable automation software is just a few clicks away ready to help you streamline many of these complex tasks, so you can streamline your invoicing without the time commitment or the cost of outsourcing accounts receivable.

Effortlessly Customize and Automate Your Landscape Invoicing Process With InvoiceSherpa!

InvoiceSherpa is trusted by leading businesses like Patagonia, Datanyze, Smartsheet, Yieldmo, and it can offer a tangible ROI for your company, too. 

From the initial invoice sending to scheduled follow-ups and AR reconciliation, it handles every step in the funnel so you can focus on growing the business. You can even customize the reminders and the landscaping invoice wording itself to align with your brand for cohesiveness.

Your clients get their own portal where they can settle any outstanding invoices through a variety of payment options thanks to our integrations with payment processors like PayPal,, Stripe, and more.

They can even set up recurring payments for routine lawn care and landscaping services, so they don’t have to worry about handling the same bill every month. This saves them the hassle while creating a more consistent cash flow for your company.

You can stay ahead of cash flow problems with an intuitive dashboard that offers insights on open invoices and other KPIs, fueling business growth decisions and looking for room for improvement.

Anytime a client pays their invoice it is automatically reconciled into your accounting software, whether you use Quickbooks, Clio, or Xero. The solution starts at just $49/month and you can hit the ground running thanks to our simple setup process.

So, why not learn how to automate accounts receivable today and reap all the benefits it has to offer for your company? Your time is best spent helping clients create their dream yard, not chasing down payments or stressing about financial management. 

Try InvoiceSherpa for 14 days free today and transform your business forever!

Closing Thoughts on How to Make a Landscaping Invoice

That concludes our guide on how to make invoice for landscaping services. We hope our insights along with the detailed landscape invoice template we shared today empower you to take control of your billing process.

Better yet, invest in the power of automation to streamline this aspect of your business so you can turn your attention to where it’s best spent. Simplifying your invoicing process through software not only saves time and money but also boosts your business’s credibility.

Find additional small business accounting tips and accounts receivable automation best practices in our blog, like how to calculate accounts receivable on balance sheet, how to send an unpaid invoice to collections, demand letter for payment, unbilled AR, how to forecast accounts receivable, accounts receivable challenges and how automation can help, and more.

Or, take the first step to overhauling your invoicing process for the better at InvoiceSherpa. By the time your 14-day trial is nearing its end, we’re confident you’ll see the value in working smarter rather than harder when it comes to billing. 

Put the challenges of financial management in the past for good today!

June 27, 2024

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